There are more drivers on the road than ever, and technology might eventually make roads safer with self-driving cars, but at the moment, it is part of the problem. There are so many distractions on the road, and some of the biggest distractions affecting our ability to have a safer driving experience are all based on technology.
Do you often get distracted when you are driving your car? If so, that means that you should be concerned about your safety on the road because your life and others depend on it. You can prove distracted driving in a personal injury claim, so you can be held liable for damage if you were not focused on the road.
But before we get too gloom and doom on the subject, the good news is that technology and better cars have also led to fewer deaths. In 2008, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that death related to car accidents was the lowest ever. And that number has been steadily since.
But we can and should continue to make the roads a safer and better place. Which is why we believe that these tips for safer driving experiences can help. Share with loved ones and let’s spread a positive message of safer roads!
1. Focus On The Road NOT ON YOUR PHONE!
What a terrible time we live in when we have to remind people not to text and drive. When cellphones first become popular, the big issue was calling and driving, no one believed that we would get to the point where we would text and drive. But here we are.
This should be a no-brainer tip for safer driving, but it has to be said. Focus on the road! Not your phone. This means that you have to focus only on your driving and avoid multitasking. Using your phone or other gadgets can be tempting when you are driving. But this will only keep you distracted.
If you find it too difficult to not check your phone, put it in the trunk before you drive. There are also a number of apps you can use to block texting while you drive. Whatever you need to do to driver safer, do it. No text is ever worth getting into a car accident.
2. Keep a Distance Between Vehicles
Be mindful of what other drivers are doing around you so that you can react quickly. Just think that they will do something stupid and be ready to avoid it. At the same time, you have to give at least a 2-second interval between the car in front of you and the one you are driving. Provide more cushion time if the weather is not good.
Yes, you learned this in driver’s education. And yes, it’s easier said than done. But like most of these tips for a safer driving experience, it’s a no brainer. You should leave enough distance between yourself and the car ahead of you to avoid an accident.
3. Prepare A Safe Driving Plan
Always make sure that you follow the safe driving protocols such as wearing seatbelts all the time. When you are driving in extreme weather conditions, you can use extra caution in areas that ice up quickly, particularly in bridges, intersections, overpasses, and shaded areas.
If you are traveling far, maybe for a vacation, a work trip, or to visit loved ones, be sure to have a safety plan in place. Check your spare tire, as well as your current tires, check your oil, the charge in your car battery and check for any leaks.
4. Make Some Stops For Longer Rides
When you are going for a long ride, always set some time to stop for food, make phone calls, rest breaks, or do other businesses. Sometimes, if you are in a hurry, you tend to ignore your need to eat or drink. The truth is that you are only risking your well-being because you will lose focus on your safety while on the road.
Get out and stretch your legs, get something to eat, or even just stop to get some fresh air. The general rule is to take at least a 15-minute break for every 2 hours you are driving. Though that might not be possible all the time when you can take a break, be sure to take advantage of that time.
5. Secure Items Inside the Car
Cargo inside your car needs to be secured because it may move around while the vehicle is running. Also, if something falls down to the floor, avoid any attempt to retrieve it.
Keep your front passenger seat as clean and clutter-free as possible and avoid leaving plastic bottles or containers on the floor of your car. These can roll towards your car pedals and obstruct the proper use of those pedals. A cleaner car is a safer car and can make all the difference when you are on the road.
6. Keep Things Within Easy Reach
Be smart and put important items such as garage passes, toll cards, or toll fees just within easy reach to avoid exerting much effort that may possibly ruin the driving experience.
This is especially on long trips and morning commutes. Many of us tend to rush in the mornings which puts us at risk to drive distracted and make poor decisions. If you keep everything you need in reach of your car, you will have to stretch or take your focus off the road to reach anything. Overall creating a safer driving experience.
7. Don’t Drive If You Are Tired
You should be aware that driving even if you are tired can lead you to doze off behind the wheel. If for some reason you have taken medication, note that it can make you drowsy.
Driving tired is said to be a factor in about 20% of all fatal car accidents. Missing even 2 hours of sleep can almost double your chances of having an accident. It should go without saying to never drive under the influence, but for some perspective, driving drowsy is comparable to driving buzzed in terms of slowed reaction time and increased chances of having an accident.
Therefore, operating the vehicle despite these instances can be very dangerous. It is best that you take some time to relax or take a nap before getting back on the road.
8. Keep Your Speed Down
Always abide by the speed limits posted on the road. It is your responsibility to make sure your speed matches that rule. It should be more difficult to control your car if things can go wrong along the way driving at a high speed.
At times, speeding can get you from one point to another a lot faster. But this will also give you less time to react, increasing the chances of getting into an accident. You have to use caution when you drive. A safer driving experience is possible, but it has to start with you. You can be the change you want to see on the road.
If you have been the victim of distracted driving, then call a car accident lawyer. You should be protected at all times, especially from drivers who have caused you injury. Be sure to speak with your insurance provider as well and learn how to claim after a distracted driving car accident.
http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Cats/listpublications.aspx?Id https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/best-cars-blog/2016/12/drowsy-driving-worse-than-drunk-driving